Industrial Solar Panels
Solar panels for industrial buildings
Industrial buildings offer straightforward roof spaces which are ideal for solar panels. Businesses can significantly reduce their overheads by generating their own electricity from solar energy. Mypower excels at installing high yielding quality industrial solar panels which have won awards for their design and efficiency.
Is industrial solar power the solution?
Logistics, manufacturing, storage and construction sectors with industrial units of all sizes can benefit from solar power. Our customers range from businesses with just 5 employees to those with 250+. The largest part of a business’s energy usage is during daylight hours and this is when solar energy is produced. Using the solar energy generated from the roof of your building means you can significantly reduce, or nearly eliminate, your electricity spend. High energy users benefit the most, but even those with standard energy use see substantial savings with industrial solar panels.
We serve a wide range of businesses, including Stewart Golf, a leading manufacturer of golf trolleys. Over 50% of their annual electricity needs are met by their solar PV system, at a rate of nearly 70% less than they were paying from the grid.
Leeways Packaging Services, a family owned company that offers thermoformed packaging solutions, consumes around 2.4 million units of electricity per annum. They are now meeting nearly 20% of that requirement, with their own clean energy source producing electricity at 70% less than they were paying for a unit of electricity from the grid.
Electricity at a fifth of your normal price
Traditional electricity purchased from the grid is now priced at around 20-25p per unit. When we install your solar panels, we use independent software to accurately predict the amount of energy they will produce over 25 years. Solar PV now delivers solar energy at the cost of around 5p per unit, including estimated operating and maintenance costs. This is around 75% less than grid supplied energy. What’s more, this is a fixed price, which means your business will never be exposed to energy price hikes again, meaning your financial forecasting will be much simpler.
Significant savings despite the removal of subsidies
Even with the removal of the government solar subsidy (FiT), Mypower customers are seeing substantial savings on their electricity costs.
In 2015, Walsh Mushrooms, a leading supplier of mushrooms to UK supermarkets, commissioned Mypower to install a 426.81kW system. Below, you can see the solar production figures and savings if the same system was installed in 2021.
- 426.81kW - system installed by Mypower.
- 362,473kWh - electricity produced per annum.
- 92 tonnes - CO2 emissions avoided per annum.
- £49,376 - Projected first year income and savings assuming 95% of electricity is used on site.
- 20.6% - Projected first year return on capital invested, before capital allowance benefits.
- 4.7 years - System payback before finance, tax and capital allowance benefits.
- £2 million - Total projected income and savings over 25 years after indexation.
- 4.4 p/kWh - Equivalent forward purchase price of 8.35M units of electricity over 25 years.
Proud members of the Cold Chain Federation

Environmental gains
Not only can industrial solar panels cut costs significantly but they can substantially reduce the carbon footprint of your business. Coveya Ltd, a leading conveyor manufacturer, had a 250kW solar PV system installed by Mypower. Their solar panels will help them avoid 75 tonnes of CO2 annually, which will signifcantly reduce the company's carbon footprint and help lessen their effect on the climate crisis. In addition to environmental gains, Coveya will save more than £880,000 on electricity costs over the next 25 years.
Highly reliable, little maintenance
Good quality industrial solar panels offer the best value for money. Most are warrantied for at least 25 years and, in 25 years' time, they will still be producing over 85% of the electricity they produce today. The actual lifetime of solar panels is estimated to be much longer, at around 40 years. Their uncomplicated design means that little maintenance is required and very little can go wrong with them. To keep your solar panels generating output at their maximum, they should be cleaned annually.
“Making any new investment into technology that is an unknown to you takes a lot of research, meeting numerous suppliers and getting a consensus of target results to be achieved. After my detailed research I always felt a roll out to a bigger system was likely. I engaged with an engineer to help me with the final selection. Ben Harrison of Mypower worked hard to gain the order, planned and installed the system with a very high degree of professionalism. We are very happy with the results to date."
Alan Walsh, Chairman, Walsh Mushrooms
Frequently Asked Questions
How much do industrial solar panels cost?
Typically costs £75,000 to £100,000 for a 100kWp/250 panel system
Industrial solar PV system costs are driven by a number of factors such as roof type, accessibility and electrical infrastructure. A detailed survey is usually required for an accurate costing. A typical industrial system pricing can range from around £750/kWp to approximately £1,000/kWp, or £75,000 to £100,000 for the installation of a 100kWp/250 panel system. The cost of a solar PV system is typically recovered within the first 4-6 years of operation, sometimes less depending on the price of the grid supplied electricity it is replacing.
Are solar panels cost effective in the UK?
Yes, especially large systems
Yes, solar panels in the UK are typically cost-effective, particularly for large industrial solar PV systems. Alongside the financial benefits of having solar panels, they also significantly reduce a company's carbon footprint and help lessen their effect on climate change.
How large is an industrial solar panel?
Usually around 1.8m by 1.1m
Industrial solar panels are typically around 1.8m by 1.1m in size. In some situations, such as utility scale installations, it makes sense to use slightly larger panels that are around 2.3m by 1.1m in size.
Depending on the electricity demands of the site and availability of suitable roof space, industrial solar PV systems can provide a significant volume of low-cost clean energy to a business. For example, a 500kWp (approx. 1,200 panels) system in the UK will typically generate over 400,000kWh of electricity per annum. This electricity is produced at an equivalent cost that is typically over 80% lower per unit (kWh) than buying from the grid.
Industrial Case Studies
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Securing your future
Solar energy offers companies the ability to forward buy their energy at a fixed rate. Now is the time to get ahead of the game and your competition. Contact Mypower for advice and we’ll be happy to discuss the potential of solar power for your business.
If you would like more information along with the facts and the figures on how you can benefit from industrial solar please
get in touch on 01242 620894 or visit our contact page.