Potato Farm, Cornwall
Potato Farm in Cornwall
124.8 kWh (520 panel) installation
Mypower designed and installed agricultural building solar panels for a landlord who owns a large building used for cold storage and packing.
Mypower’s qualified surveyor, Ben Harrison, provided full project management including: the Western Power upgrade and consent to connect, structural survey, Energy Performance Certificate, planning, system design, product procurement and supply, installation, Feed-in-Tariff applications and forms, Power Purchase Agreement to sell surplus power back to grid and liaising with solicitor in connection with matters concerning the sale of power to tenant.
The customer was consulted at every stage but the project was coordinated and driven by Mypower.
Cornish potato farm reaps the benefits of solar from Mypower
The customer was consulted at every stage but the project was co-ordinated and driven by Mypower. The customer said; “I didn’t believe it was going to be so straight forward and involve so little of my time, all I had to do was listen, take advice from my accountant and sign the cheques! Ben organised everything”.
Returns before Annual Investment Allowance benefits and running costs
15.1% - landlord first year return on capital - payback 7.1 years.
£695,000 plus - projected total income and savings over 20 years.
25 to 40 years - anticipated system life.

Ongoing maintenance and running costs excluding finance:
Insurance: £300 pa
Panel clean: £600 pa
Metering costs: £75 pa
Inverter replacements: £365 pa
Total: £1,240 pa
Key Facts and predictions (revised for 2023)
124.8 kWp (520 REC panels) installed.
123,850 kWh units of energy produced per annum.
£24,755 projected first year income and savings.
27.9% projected first year return on capital invested, before capital allowance benefits.
4.42p/kWh - the equivalent forward purchase price of 4.9 million units of electricity over 25 years including estimated operating & maintenance costs.
3.6 years - system payback before finance, tax and capital allowance and grant benefit.
26.6 of CO2 emissions avoided per annum.
£1,002,610 - a 25-year income and savings after indexation.
68.4% saving from solar PV electricity compared to grid supplied electricity at 14p/kWh.
Exceeding projections
Over 12 months the system produced 4.9% more electricity than predicted, continuing to keep income ahead of the budgeted figures.

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