Oxstalls Sports & Tennis Centre, Gloucester
Oxstalls Sports & Tennis Centre
250.8 kWp (660 panel) installation
At the heart of the community stands Oxstalls Sports and Tennis Centre in Longford, near Gloucester, owned by Gloucester City Council. Oxstalls Tennis Centre offers their users a range of facilities, from outdoor and indoor tennis courts, synthetic and grass pitches for football, hockey, cricket and rugby, Fun Factory soft play centre and an inviting Oxstalls Café. Freedom Leisure manages Oxstalls Sports Park in partnership with Gloucester City Council. Their aim is to "improve lives through leisure", providing affordable, inclusive and sustainable facilities that the whole community can enjoy. The sports and tennis centre has been serving the local community for over 20 years and aims to be a completely sustainable sports club for years to come.
Game, set and match
In 2021, Gloucester City Council was successful in their application for a Government Sustainability Grant that would fund a solar PV system, battery and a ground source heat pump to significantly reduce the site’s carbon footprint. Following a tender process, Mypower were awarded the contract to install a 250.8 kWp (660 panel) solar PV system and a 24 kWh battery.
The solar PV system will help the tennis centre avoid around 50 Tonnes of CO2 emissions* every year, in addition to saving the tennis centre around £40,000 per annum on their electricity bills at their current grid price of 25p/kWh.
*Based on 2021 DEFRA grid reporting of kg CO2e emissions at 0.21233kg/kWh.

Acing into a greener future
Officially commissioned in April 2022, the 250.8 kWp solar PV system will generate over 212,000 kWh of clean, low cost electricity a year. The system will provide approximately 40% of the tennis centre’s annual electricity needs, and will pay for itself in just over 4 years. Approximately 60% of the solar generated electricity will be consumed on site, with 5,300 kWh** (2%) of that from the battery installation. The remaining 40% of the solar generated electricity will be sold to the grid, helping to make our electricity network cleaner.
**Typical large UK residential property consumes approx. 4,600 kWh pa.
Key Facts and Figures
- 250.8 kWp (660 panels) installed
- 212,960 kWh units of energy produced per annum
- £39,095 projected first year income and savings
- 24.2% projected first year return on capital invested, before capital allowance benefits
- 4.82p/ kWh - the equivalent forward purchase price of 4.9 million units of electricity over 25 years including estimated operating & maintenance costs
- 45.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided per annum
- 4.1 years - system payback before finance, tax and capital allowance and grant benefit
- £1,583,408 - a 25-year income and savings after indexation
- 81% saving from solar PV electricity compared to grid supplied electricity at 25p/ kWh
- 24 kWh battery installed ensuring a further 5,300 kWh of solar generated electricity is used on site

A winning installation!
“The team from Mypower has been excellent throughout the project. They helped drive the project through right from the very start, from identifying the opportunity and potential benefits for the City Council, to ensuring all the required applications and upgrades were completed, to installing the system. We’ve now got a solar PV system that will generate 212,000 kWh of electricity per year, meeting around 40% of the site’s annual electricity needs, and will avoid over 45 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum – helping the city council towards our ambitious 2030 net zero target.”
David Torrington - Gloucester City Council
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