BMW and Daimler Benz both recognise the future of the car has no place for petrol and diesel engines
BMW and Daimler Benz both recognise the future of the car has no place for petrol and diesel engines
Another insightful piece in the FT which once more demonstrates how fast the shift in investment priority of the auto industry is shifting towards electric, autonomous and connected car fleets.
It also plays on the fears which stalk all the major marques - fear of missing out. This is articulated by a sub-piece about Toyota who, having pioneered the hybrid model with the Prius, decided that EVs were not the way forward and ceded that ground to Tesla.
Changes to the automotive landscape are going to be huge and brutal. Some marques will disappear. One thing for sure is that the future of driving will be electric and that means the UK will need more electricity. Solar is the cheapest and quickest way to add additional electricity generation and businesses can own their own which makes a shift to electric fleets cheaper and easier.
Read the FT article here…
Found out how to get your business prepared for the shift to EVs here.